it's what's behind...

the sky...wild and uncontrolled, the perfect backdrop for our lives...

earth to earth

  to be a home..a cradle of generations...with roots reaching into the earth..becoming a part of the earth...and have the  wind, rain blowing through my roof top the snow insulating each crack, every crevice..........a home, going home...


his manner is like that of a fledgling, ready to leap from the nest..but not quite...trepidation, excitement, independence and dependence...saucy, yet subdued..such is life, such a leap...

Sun, Trees, Fog...

In some way it's comforting to think that no matter what there is always sun shining, somewhere...

Daisy Do...

There is no flower more elegant than the simple daisy; chains, predictions, bouquets crushed in grubby little hands...